After a prolonged period of time spent in a place, you discover that specific areas have accumulated dirt, your windows have dulled due to stains, your gutters are clogged with leaves and debris, and the air feels stuffy. You try cleaning your house now, which takes a lot of time and energy. Even when you scrub a lot, the shine and sparkle you want remains. Breathe deeply and relax; we are here to bring you magic cleaning techniques for dust, grease, and dirt so you can have a spotless home and the calm you desire.
1. Use Moist Microfiber Material: Moist microfiber material is a better option for cleaning dust than dry cloths, which let the dust particles spread. The reason using moist microfiber cloth is a good idea is that the moisture collects the dust particles and stops them from spreading. Furthermore, the microfiber is soft on surfaces, protecting them from any kind of damage.
2. Vinegar: Aside from its multiple uses, vinegar has several advantages such as being inexpensive, non-toxic, and ecologically beneficial. Its acidic nature makes it capable of eliminating germs and bacteria. It works to get rid of smells just like lemon does. You can further use it to clean your windows, sinks etc
3. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda: This is an additional DIY cleaning solution to assist you in removing that stubborn spot from the surface. To clean surfaces, use equal parts hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to make a paste. This paste is used on hard surfaces, such toilets, and is removed with water after a few minutes of exposure.
4. Lemon: Lemon is a pleasant herb to use because of its lovely aroma. Lemon skin has a unique cleaning function that also happens to be grease-cutting. Odors can be eliminated and stains cleaned with lemon. Lemon is a great cleaning solution for surfaces including refrigerators, sinks, and toilets. After sprinkling baking soda on the surface, use the lemon to scrub the area clean.

In conclusion, these tips are effective to keep your house shining and smelling nice. Sometimes, basic, natural materials work just as well to keep your home smelling nice.
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